Our Team

Brian Vulgamore


Brian began farming full time with his father Larry after finishing his education at Kansas State University in 1999 with a B.S. and M.S. in agricultural economics and a minor in agronomy. His responsibilities on the farm have changed dramatically over the past 20 years, much in the same way as the operation itself. 

Continually motivated by a challenge, Brian’s insight into the endless opportunities in agriculture fueled his desire to return to the family farm. Brian’s energy and creativity pair well with his brother Myles’s personality, making the two a highly effective leadership team. They’ve been joined by key people along the way that have further strengthened the VFF management team. Brian’s love for team sports has inspired his drive to instill a similar philosophy with his partners and employees in the creation of a unified team culture. 

A true ag-economist, Brian’s primary responsibility on the farm is to optimize returns to farmland through the most efficient allocation of resources (i.e., management, land, labor, capital, inputs, and equipment). Brian oversees the farm management side of VFF, which includes communicating with landowners on a regular basis. When possible, Brian enjoys a brief escape from the office to scout fields from the air or jump on a combine during harvest.