Abe spent his childhood and teenage years in Bolivia, South America working alongside his thirteen siblings on the family farm where they grew wheat, corn, and soybeans. When he was around 17 years old, his family relocated to Chihuahua, Mexico where they continued farming. In 1999, Abe and his wife Elizabeth moved their family to America where he had worked at a farm and a feedlot.
Abe joined the VFF team in 2002. Other than the Vulgamore family, Abe is the longest running employee of VFF. Abe’s primary role at VFF is as the dedicated mechanic and maintenance expert for the fleet of trucks, although he is the go-to person in the shop for assistance. With his wealth of experience, Abe knows how to get things done efficiently, but more importantly, he embodies the core values of VFF. Abe has seen the farm grow from just a few employees to a much larger operation, and he makes sure everyone toes the line. Abe has brought many family members to VFF including his four kids who are all actively involved on the farm. Abe’s leadership, reliability, and his loyalty to the operation make him an invaluable member of the VFF team.